Defining a Flagship Product
Elevating the product experience of an industry leader

Fuji Spray is an award-winning Canadian manufacturer and designer of innovative and trusted spray systems for a variety of industries.
Fuji Spray
Industrial Tools
Type of Work
Product Design
Manufacturing Process
Raising the Bar
Swave Studios was tasked with creating an industry leading spray turbine that could elevate the HPLV (High Pressure Low Volume) spraying experience to the next level.
More Features, More Solutions
The new spray turbine unit needed a structure to support a more powerful motor. A stronger motor meant more heat, noise and vibration. Features needed to be within user expectations of a high-end product while the design had to emphasize easy-to-use features and simple, approachable maintenance.
User Insights
First-Hand Knowledge
Users wanted clear settings, reduced noise and heat build-up and a robust case. Maintenance needed to be simple and the turbine had to be usable from a distance.

Design Process
Defining and Refining
A research strategy was created to thoroughly test the prototyping stage of the 6-Stage motor and casing. Competitor product features and representation on the market were analyzed for product positioning.
The product aesthetic and design incorporated important structural features for ease of assembly and the reduction of heat, noise and vibration.
Quality-of-life features were integrated into the design based on feedback and experience from users and the Fuji Spray team.
Prototypes were made and tests were performed on the designed features to prove the effectiveness of each solution.
Swave and the Fuji Spray team worked together to develop the manufacturing process and to streamline assembly.
Branding was created to reinforce the D6 product as a strong, capable unit by developing the brand language and graphics from manual to packaging.

The Result
Making an Impact
A powerful turbine with powerful messaging allowing the user to harness the full potential of the 6-Stage turbine in an approachable and compelling package.